Pole Dance Level 2


If you feel confident in the spins and combos you learned in POLE DANCE LEVEL 1 and have mastered the basic upside down tricks from FIRST TRICKS UPSIDE DOWN, then you are ready for POLE DANCE LEVEL 2, our intermediate course. Here you will learn dynamic low-flow combos and more complex upside-down tricks in the air. Inverted tricks with interesting transitions are combined into longer, flowing combos - both on the static pole and on the spinning pole. Typical moves from this level are for example: Ballerina, Cross Ankle Release, Superman, Brass Monkey, (extended) Butterfly, as well as various one-armed spins and one-armed elbowstands.


Mondays, 5:15 - 6:15 p.m.

Dienstags, 19:35 – 20:45 Uhr

Mittwochs, 12:50 – 14:00 Uhr & 18:20 – 19:30 Uhr

Fridays, 4:15 - 5:25 p.m.

Sonntags, 15:10 – 16:20 Uhr


Pamela (teaches in English)

Haeri (unterrichtet auf Englisch)

Lilli (teaches in German & English)

Cleo (teaches in English)


Du solltest vor einer Teilnahme folgende Kopfüber Tricks beidseitig sicher beherrschen: Cross Knee Release, Yasmine, Chopper, Hip Hold, Outside Leg Hang, Inside Leg Hang, Invertet Cruzifix und einen Handstand an der Pole. Du solltest außerdem bereits längere Anfänger-Combos an der Spinning Pole meistern können.
