First Tricks Upside Down


FIRST TRICKS UPSDIE DOWN is a transition course from POLE DANCE LEVEL 1 to POLE DANCE LEVEL 2. In this technique-focussed class, you will step by step learn how to safely hang upside down on the pole by activating pressure points. The basic tricks in this level include chopper, inverted crucifix, outside leg hang, inside leg hang, cross knee release and handstand on the pole. As this course only focuses on acrobatic elements, we recommend that you continue to attend POLE DANCE LEVEL 1 occasionally until you have mastered all the tricks in this level and are ready for POLE DANCE LEVEL 2.


Mondays, 8:50 - 10:00 pm
Thursdays, 4:00 p.m. - 5:10 p.m.
Sundays, 5:50 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.


Simon (teaches in German & English)
Tati (teaches in German & English)
Cleo (teaches in English)


Bevor du dich für diesen Kurs anmeldest, solltest du mehrere Monate POLE DANCE LEVEL 1 besucht haben und dich in mindestens zwei Kopfüber-Trick sicher fühlen (z.B. Cross Knee Release, Yasmine, Chopper, Inverted Cruzifix). Du solltest außerdem zweiarmige Spins demonstrieren können, die Stange problemlos hochklettern können und Anfänger-Combos, bestehend aus drei aneinandergereihten Tricks, ausführen können.
